We work on interesting and impactful problems where engineering, science,technology and commercial insight can add value.


We provide consultancy services to organisations and invest in companies, projects and initiatives where we add value based on our expertise and track-record.


Our name comes from the combination of
Innovation and Logic.

Our expertise comes from deep engineering, a proven track-record in deploying customer-relevant technology and in successful commercialisation.


We have expertise in product development, engineering, and consulting and are dedicated to helping our clients and investee companies achieve their goals, stay ahead of the curve and create value.


At Innovalogix, we pride ourselves on our ability to strategically identify and develop innovative solutions to everyday problems.

Technology scouting, horizon scanning and commercial impact.

We continually horizon scan and scout new technologies that can be applied to many business areas and that will be the key themes of the future.


We have a wealth of experience working with a variety of industries.

Our interests include software, technology, engineering, agribusiness, healthcare and aviation to name but a few...



Our investments...

We have over 200 investments along key themes, we do not say a lot about them other than our aim is to back the future.



Our relationships...

We have many relationships and investments in companies, some of whom we work with closely to drive excellence and growth.


Feel free to contact us to find out more.

Email: info@innovalogix.com


Connect with our founder Dr. Edmond Harty on LinkedIn.

Contact us at info@innovalogix.com